Now on Google Play, Again

Programmer/ November 26, 2017/ Minor Planet Center, NASA, NASA JPL, Space Weather

We have decided to Publish FByAsteroids back to the Google Play Store after compiling our own Android Object. We no longer use a 3rd party and only requires the App to have an Internet Network Connection to load the asteroid data. Currently in development we are working on a new layout and interface for FByAsteroids.  


Programmer/ November 20, 2017/ Minor Planet Center, NASA, NASA JPL

In Oct. 2017, the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope in Hawai’i picked up a faint point of light moving across the sky. At first it appeared to be an ordinary asteroid–but astronomers quickly realized it was something entirely different. The hurtling object, since named “‘Oumuamua,” came from interstellar space. At the time of its discovery, ‘Oumuamua had just swung around the sun. Telescopes

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How to make an asteroid using sunlight

Programmer/ November 19, 2017/ Minor Planet Center, NASA, NASA JPL, Space Weather

Solar radiation packs a punch capable of creating and destroying asteroid families. By Alison Klesman  |  Published: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Trojan asteroids don’t orbit in the main belt. Instead, they are asteroids that share an orbit with a major planet, such as Jupiter, Earth, or Mars. Now, astronomers have determined that sunlight is responsible for creating and destroying Trojans around Mars,

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